Monday, April 16, 2018


Sunday service in Nuevo Progreso
The Lord’s day was refreshing and uplifting in both Nuevo Progreso and Rio Bravo. Brother Oliver Altamirano who is the pastor of the Church of God in Rio Bravo, first conducted a service in his church at 11:00 Sunday morning. He shared pictures with us of the children of his church as they sang choruses and recited scriptures on the platform.  He is proud of their Sunday School.

Sunday School in Rio Bravo
At 5:00 the same afternoon Brother Altamirano was at the church in Nuevo Progreso, filling in as pastor until our new pastor arrives. Azucena and her daughters Monica and Nancy led us in worship songs at the beginning of the service.

Brother Altamirano encouraged us to examine our faith, and he used stories from the Bible as illustrations. The widow gave her last coin to the Lord even when she was in great need. And the woman who had a small amount of meal and a little oil in her barrel gave it all. The New Testament disciples brought all their belongings to a central place and shared equally. Do we have enough faith to do as these people did?

Azucena and her daughters
The lesson was challenging to us. The final thought was that the Lord rewards those who seek Him and give Him their all.

Baby Alan seemed to enjoy the service
Anthony was with us last night for church. His prayers and worship added a lot to the service, and we welcome him to our congregation.  He is the son of Catalina and Ino and is Paola’s brother.

Anthony is Paola's brother
Alejandro is blessed to be in church with his entire family. His wife Azucena assists us in every area and is also treasurer. Their daughters Monica, Nancy, Dulce and Kimberly are beautiful young women they can be proud of.

Alejandro's family
The main theme of the evening was:

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”  3 John 1:2

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