Wednesday, August 22, 2018


An old rancher who lived alongside the road in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Over a period of twenty years, Lloyd drove throughout Mexico giving away Spanish Bibles. On one of his trips west through Chihuahua he remembers an overnight stop that was very interesting and heart warming.  He and his traveling partner Miguel had an impromptu visit with an old rancher who just happened to live along the road they traveled.

Always looking for things of interest along the way, Lloyd and Miguel saw the old man standing outside his house visiting with a neighbor. They stopped and introduced themselves and received a warm welcome to sit and talk, to share and to spend the night.  It was a great experience.

The rifle was needed to run off wild animals.
The man’s name is long forgotten.  He showed the travelers around his small ranch and he began by showing them his old rifles and handguns. A true frontiersman, he and his wife had lived there many years and had depended on what they could raise from the land. There weren’t many people around them, probably few government authorities. As with all early pioneers, they were on their own and had learned to defend themselves.  He showed Lloyd where a mountain lion had recently tried to kill one of his calves in a nearby pen. Fur and hair was still clinging to the rough places on the fence.

The hand guns he used were interesting.
Since the old man had recently lost his wife, he was so glad to have company that he showed them many other things, including his small quaint cache of dried meat. The beef was still attached to the bones. It had been dried that way and it would be used later as jerky or stew meat.

Bundles of bones with dried meat.
Since Lloyd and Miguel were in a sparsely populated area and it was late, they decided to spend the night at the man’s small ranch. The next morning they were treated with a warm filling drink called Atole. Atole is traditionally made with finely ground parched corn flour,  water and/or milk and seasoned with raw cane sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. People throughout Mexico enjoy Atole for breakfast on cold mornings or as a late night snack.

Lunch on most days was served on the hood of the Jeep.
There were old gold mines in that area, barely in operation, that once had been huge thriving works in a town called Oro. Large cranes and towers with cable cars crisscrossed the barren landscape, but the mines were closed to travelers and the curious.

Lloyd and Miguel left the old rancher, thanking him for an interesting and entertaining stay at his home. A few years later Lloyd stopped to see his interesting friend, but learned that he had passed away. Even though several years have come and gone since that brief encounter with the rancher in Chihuahua, the memories are still  special and vivid.  

People in Mexico were blessed when they received  Spanish Bibles, and Lloyd was blessed by the hospitality and diversity of the people he met. We are both glad that he took many pictures. 

“For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in.”  Matthew 25:35

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Jesus Alanis Renteria
Last week Pastor Zab's father, Jesus Alanis Renteria visited the church in Nuevo Progreso. He spent a week visiting and getting acquainted with the people. He spoke at the Sunday evening worship service.

Some of the people who attended the service.

There was good attendance at the service. Paola, a member of the congregation, said her whole family was there at the church together for the first time. That family was recently blessed with a miracle of healing.

Pastor Zabdi in Nuevo Progreso
Pastor Zab is doing a great job at the church in Nuevo Progreso. The church is relatively new and the building is unfinished, so pastoring there is a challenge and it's very hard work. The presence of the Holy Spirit is most important in this endeavor.

Please continue to pray for Bethesda Church of God in Nuevo Progreso, Tamps., Mexico.  Many people need to hear the good news.

"Praising God, and having favour with all the people.  And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."  Acts 2:47

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Paola with her father Inocencio

Born again! And he received a miracle!  Inocencio is the husband of Catalina, a member of our church in Nuevo Progreso.  His daughter Paola reports that they have good reason to believe in God.  Paola said, “After 4 months of trials where God always showed His faithfulness, not because it was deserved but because He is merciful, my father was born again!  It was a long and painful process and only we in the family knew what was going on.  But now we are praising the Lord! God is great! God is good! God is faithful! And His miracles still exist!”

Inocencio was operated on 2 months ago and after surgery he lost his voice completely.  Last Sunday the family went to church and for the first time Inocencio accompanied them. At church he recovered his voice! A miracle of God! Since that day he has not stopped talking! And the family has not stopped giving thanks to God!

The Lord is pleased with his people, and he gives victory to those who are humble.  
Psalm 149:4 CEV

Saturday, August 4, 2018


The first day of vacation Bible school.
Pastor Zab and the congregation in Nuevo Progreso conducted a week of services for the children. The theme was "I LOVE MEXICO!" Along with Bible stories, games and music, the children learned various customs of Mexico. For instance, people in each region of the country wear a different colored sombrero. 

The ladies send a greeting as they prepare for many children.
 The days are extremely hot now in northern Mexico, but that didn't stop the activities and the fun. From the expressions, it looks as if everyone had a good time.

This is Nancy, one of our beautiful young ladies in the church.

Many helpers were there for this great event.
Colorful decorations!

There are many children around the church in Nuevo Progreso. This is a great opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them through summer Bible school. Pastor Zab and his helpers are doing a great work! We pray for the Lord to continue to bless them!