Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Standing water causes mosquitos that can carry diseases such as dengue fever.  When the Nuevo Progreso drainage project is finished, the problem will be solved.
There's an epidemic of dengue fever along the northern border of Mexico with many cases reported in Nuevo Progreso. Pastor Gerardo's wife Miriam was tested positive for the disease in October and spent two weeks ill and on medication. She has recovered but is still weak. Their daughters Dana and Esly had light cases of dengue fever but have returned to school. Dengue fever is carried by mosquitos and the wet weather and standing water have increased the problem.

Victoria, the state capital city of Tamaulipis, has sent spray trucks to the border in an effort to kill the mosquitos. The critical situation has made it more necessary than ever for the government to complete the drainage project started years ago. There must be no more standing water! We are confident that God is able to resolve this problem, and we know that He is in control. Meanwhile, please pray with us for protection for the people of Nuevo Progreso.

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