Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Apolinar in May of 2013, happy and almost completely recovered from his accident.
In July of 2012 Apolinar Hernandez was knocked off of a two story building by a sudden bolt of electricity.  Fire flashed over the front of his body, burning him from his chin down to his feet.  He went into a coma and wasn't expected to live.

Three weeks later Apolinar woke up in a burn unit in a hospital in Monterrey, Mexico.  Doctors surrounded him and all of them were smiling and happy that he was still alive.  His family and friends collected money to help with skin grafts, hospital expenses and medicines.  Then he was released to return to Nuevo Progreso to begin his recovery.

When we first saw Apolinar in November 2012 he was barely able to stand clothing on his painfully scarred body.  He couldn't use his hands to dress himself or to eat.  He was emotional and still overwhelmed by his circumstances, wondering if he would ever be normal again.

Apolinar in November 2012.
We suggested that little by little he might begin to work on the church again, maybe letting one of his stepsons come along to be his hands.  Apolinar is a hard working man and the thought of being able to work again cheered him and gave him hope.

All winter we watched as he began to use his hands more and more and was able to turn his head or use a shovel.  Carlos came with him and did whatever he was instructed to do.  Apolinar whistled and sang on the job.  He was returning to life, making money to support his family.

Apolinar attended our English classes every week.  He especially enjoyed the games and would get excited when he won a competition.  We heard him laugh and joke and we also heard him praise the Lord.

Apolinar's recovery seems almost miraculous.  His healing has been gradual but steady.  And he always gives the credit to the Lord as he says, "I thank my God every day for my life."

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 
1 Thessalonians 5:18

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