Saturday, January 9, 2010


Stacks of large corn husks, tubs of corn meal mix, a wash tub full of pork cooking over a fire between bricks on the ground, women working and laughing together. This is what we saw at Poli and Roberta's home on New Year's day. It was an assembly line, one woman filled the corn husks while another ground hot peppers into salsa using an ancient looking stone bowl and stone rollin pin. This is the way it has been done for generations, it's an old tradition. They were making tamales for a big celebration and they made it look like fun.

After the tamales were assembled, they were arranged in a large kettle on the open fire where they were steamed. The ladies told us they were preparing several hundred tamales because they were expecting lots of family and friends that evening.

In the picture our friend Gloria holds a stack of prepared corn husks while Rosa and another woman grind hot peppers by hand.

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