Last spring our friend Armando Treviño was told he had only one week to live. Because of a heart attack, his kidneys failed and improper treatment caused infection to set in. Since Mexico allows euthanasia, he made plans to die with dignity.
On one of our last visits with Armando in Mexico he prayed and accepted Jesus into his heart. At that point his life began to change. Suddenly he decided he wasn’t ready to leave his wife and little girls, so he asked his family to take him to the international bridge. Because Armando was still a US citizen, he decided to request admission into a hospital in Texas even though it meant leaving his family.
Armando’s life was saved, but bo
th of his legs were amputated along with most of his fingers because of the infections. He now lives in his childhood home in Donna, Texas with his wife and children who joined him last summer. They are all very happy to be together again. The pictures show Armando and his three girls in their new home in Donna, Texas.

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