The sun had set long before we left Jimenez. The six of us climbed back into the Jeep and drove out of the settlement toward the main road back to town. We drove up an enbankment and made a sharp turn to the right onto the blacktop where we were almost hit by an enormous truck that was barreling toward us without any lights. That event reminded us of the importance of prayer and how necessary it is to be under the protection of the Lord at all times.
There is no way to measure the success of such a trip, but we left Ciudad Acuña knowing that we had done God’s will. We hope that perhaps we have made a difference and that we brought some encouragement and hope to the people we met. Here’s a photo of Esteban and Nohemi, Esteban Jr. and Mario along with Nohemi’s mother and father and a nephew.
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