We took Brother Gerardo and Miriam to meet the new delegado (mayor) of Nuevo Progreso. Our request was for the use of the city "payloader" so the huge piles of fill dirt we were given can be used to build up the area close to the church. There are drainage problems on the land and hurricane Dolly in 2008 caused flooding even in nearby Colonia Francisco Madero, threatening several houses. The heavy clay soil of northern Mexico holds flood waters for a very long time. We have been praying for a solution to the problem because it affects so many families in Nuevo Progreso.
The delegado told us that truckloads of caliche (gravel) were being delivered to our neighborhood for use on the streets and he would send someone to the church to see the situation. He mentioned the possibility of creating a small canal to the Rio Grande River for better drainage since we are only about a half mile from the river. There is also a plan to lay drainage pipes in the low lying area so the problems during the rainy season will be eliminated. All of this was encouraging information. We appreciate the many ways the delegado and the city of Nuevo Progreso have helped us and the church through the years.
Marcelino and his family continue to do well. It was good to visit a

nd see how the Lord is blessing them. Marcelino did a lot of work building our church in past years, sometimes camping out on the roof of the building to keep an eye on building blocks and supplies. Even though Marcelino doesn’t attend church yet, he realizes that he is being blessed. Missionaries from the nearby Methodist church built them a new home, a one room building they and their 3 children will use for sleeping. Their old structure which leaked badly when it rained, will be rebuilt into a cooking area. They were also given a new refrigerator. Marcelino and his family are being repaid for all he has done for God’s work, and the good thing is that he acknowledges and claims that it’s true.
All the children in the colonias surrounding the church are being invited to attend Sunday School. Miriam is excited about the classes and is making plans for possibly large numbers of children to be there. Brother Gerardo plays the guitar and keyboard, so there will be music along with Bible stories and activities. Sunday School is one of the most important elements in any church since it builds a strong Biblical foundation in the lives of children. The establishment of Sunday School is a major step forward for the Church of God in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico.
The picture is of the sign at the church which says Iglesia De Dios, meaning Church of God in Spanish.