Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Nahum on his 18th birthday.
The name Nahum is from the ancient Hebrew language and it means “comforter.”  And that fits Pastor Gerardo’s son, Nahum.  He always has a huge smile and is always at hand to help out in any way.  He loves to help clean and decorate the church, loves computers, cats and dogs, and loves to sketch and draw things.

Nahum is in his last year of High School.  His plans are to attend university classes to become an architect.  His school grades are excellent, so he has a great opportunity to reach that goal.

Nahum had his 18th birthday last week.  He has changed so much since we first met him ten years ago.  At that time he loved catching lizards and geckos and playing with his pet rooster. Nahum loved to let a gecko attach itself to his ear or nose, and he would come into the house with it dangling on his shoulder. He loved to make us laugh!

Nahum is learning to use power tools while helping Lloyd.
Now Nahum studies hard while helping his family at the church.  He learned the use of electric hand tools when he helped Lloyd convert benches into pews.  He helped paint the furniture and the doors in the auditorium.  And he used shovel and rake to help spread the mounds of caliche around the building.  Nahum is not only a comforter, he’s a great man to have around!

Nahum is learning what it’s like to pastor and maintain a church.  He has never said that he feels a calling into the ministry, but he is very sensitive to the Spirit of the Lord.  He has had dreams that have deep spiritual meaning, dreams that sound like messages from God.

The Lord has promised that He will not leave us without comfort and encouragement while we are doing His work.  Maybe Nahum’s great calling is to encourage and help others.

Nahum was 8 years old when we first met him.
"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."  1 Timothy 4:12

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Miriam's wallet full of important documents.
Pastor Gerardo and Miriam had another experience last week that neither one can explain.  Several times the family has testified that the Lord has helped them supernaturally in times of greatest need.  These experiences are very encouraging and they give us hope and they strengthen our faith.

Friday was a busy day.  There were errands to run and kids to pick up from school.  Miriam was delivering her special empanadas to a local grocery store where they are sold on commission.  There was a tight time schedule to keep.

While still in their car in front of the grocery store, Miriam put her change in her wallet and laid it on her lap so she could answer her cell phone.  Later, after three more stops she reached for her wallet to find it missing.  Maybe it had fallen out of the car some time at one of their stops, and it was probably laying out on the street.

Beginning to panic, they retraced their route of the day, going back to each location and getting out to search all around where they had parked.  But there was no wallet.  They searched inside the car, under the seats and behind them.  There was no wallet.

There wasn’t much money in the wallet, but there were many documents and identification cards and there was important school information.  Losing the wallet would be very difficult for them, as such documents are not easy to obtain in Mexico. They stopped to pray together and asked the Lord to help them find the wallet, expecting Him to direct them back to the place where it was lost.  Finally they drove back to their house, not knowing what else to do.

Gerardo unlocked the door of the house and went in to turn the lights on.  There in plain sight on top of his desk was Miriam’s wallet!

"For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth forever. Praise ye the Lord."  Psalm 117:2

Monday, February 13, 2017


Jose and his wife Guadalupe.
José Flores Sánchez passed away February 12, 2017 in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico.  He would have been 62 years old on February 16th.  José Flores Sánchez was the husband of Guadalupe (Lupita) Treviño.  They had been married 45 years.

José and Lupita had 7 children, 6 of which are still living, and they had many grandchildren.  José will be greatly missed by family, friends, neighbors and members of Bethesda Church of God in Nuevo Progreso.

José loved God's word.  He had printed many scriptures by the front door of his house so he could read them when he sat on his patio.  He had a custom of insisting the neighbor children quote at least one scripture before they were allowed to enter his home.  And many times we watched the children happily repeat scriptures, short or long, before dashing through the door.

Also, José wrote many songs of worship to the Lord.  During the Memorial Service for José, Pastor Gerardo plans to sing some of those very special songs.  The service will be held February 14th at 4:00 pm in Rio Bravo, Mexico.

Jose at Bethesda Church of God several years ago. 
"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:3


Kimberly is six years old.
Kimberly is a natural on the drums!  She is just a little girl only 6 years old, but she climbs up on the stool and tenderly and gracefully taps out a little rhythm to the music.  Instead of banging and clanging as most children her age like to do, she makes a gentle sound that is pleasing.  She’s our little drummer girl!

Yesterday was practice time at the church.  Everyone was getting ready for a visiting youth group that planned to present a drama.  The youth group asked for local people to participate by singing or playing an instrument or in some other way.  Kimberly’s mother Azucena and two of her older sisters plan to sing a special song for the occasion, so without being noticed Kimberly slipped behind the drums and began to accompany them.  She was almost hidden by the size of the drums!

Music practice with Pastor Gerardo on the keyboard, Nahum on an electric guitar and Azucena and her daughters singing.
Kimberly is the daughter of Alejandro and Azucena Canales, members of Bethesda Church of God in Nuevo Progreso. There are many other talented children at the church who will one day be youth leaders or music leaders or even pastors of churches.  These children have the great advantage of having a pastor who is also a music teacher.  
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm 100:1

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Beautiful sky in Weslaco, Texas near the Mexican border.
Super Bowl Sunday.  Everyone seemed to be waiting for the big game on television and there were parties in the neighborhood.  But we were on our way to church in Mexico and weren’t planning to watch the game.  It felt like a “super” Sunday to us for some reason.  The presence of the Lord was very real.

Service was scheduled for 5:00 pm.  The sun was still bright overhead, but a rooster was crowing somewhere in the colonia near the church.  It was announcing that sunset was near.  A strong breeze ruffled the trees sending cool air through the church.  Nothing unusual, but it felt like a “super” Sunday.

Several families attended the service.  Pastor Gerardo gave a message from  1 Corinthians 2:9 “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”  He urged us all to stay close to the Lord and to distance ourselves from things of this world.

During the service Brother Florencio testified that his prayers have been answered.  His son whom he hadn’t seen for several years had returned home.  Jose will face many challenges and it   won’t be easy for him, but Florencio believes that this is the right thing for his family.  Florencio was very happy and grateful for all the prayers on behalf of his son.

In the past we used long wooden benches at the church. Backs were recently added to each bench, making more comfortable pews.
The congregation seems to be taking on new life.  There are many meetings scheduled, there are work days and special events on the calendar.  The parking area at the church is much improved and there was room for five or six cars.  All fourteen wooden benches have now been converted to pews with the addition of comfortable backs to lean against.  New coats of paint were evident on benches and soon tables will be painted to match.

We drove back across the border and home in the darkness feeling good about the events of the day. It really had been a “super” Sunday in many ways.  Instead of a sports event between two teams, we had been to a place of worship and felt like we had met with the Lord.

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”   Hebrews 12:1