Maranatha Church of God in Reynosa |
Sister Nina Navarro took us to Reynosa this week to see the church she and her husband Primativo founded 22 years ago. It was an interesting 30 minute trip by way of an interstate highway that crosses northern Mexico. It was a cool overcast day, interrupted off and on by sprinkles and drizzle.
Maranatha Church of God began as church services in the home of Sister Nina and Brother Primativo. The congregation soon outgrew the home and moved into a small building nearby. 13 years later they built the current concrete block building which is very similar to our building in Nuevo Progreso. Sister Nina told us that they spent much time on their knees during the building of the church.
Inside the church. Brother Primativo demonstrating the comfort of their pews. |
The outside of the building isn’t elaborate, but the inside is comfortable with padded pews and tile floors. There is no parsonage yet, but plans are to build rooms on a second floor for this purpose. It was interesting for us to see this successful and active church.
The banner shows the Church of God logo and the words "Christ sees, comforts and pardons." |
While there, the church gave us a colorful banner with the Church of God logo that we can hang on the outside of our building. Our plans are to paint the name of our church - Bethesda Temple - Church of God - on the front of the church, but until that is finished the banner will identify us as a church.
One huarache that was big enough for a crowd! |
After we had toured the building, we were taken to a local restaurant called El Nectar de Mexico. They recommended we try their specialty - Huaraches, or sandals. We thought the huaraches looked like BigFoot tracks. They were hot and delicious, especially when served with Cokes. The huaraches were like an open taco topped with meat, peppers, onions, cheese, tomatoes and avocado slices. We each received one that was served on a large thick board, one so big and heavy we could barely lift it. This was something different for us to try.
The highway that runs east to west through northern Mexico. |
Soon we were driving back to Nuevo Progreso on the big highway. There was one military checkpoint on the lanes heading west, but our vehicle was not stopped. Large bunkers surrounded by sandbags held Mexican Marines armed with rifles. This was a reminder of the current violent situation in Reynosa. There are warnings on the news that Americans should stay out of all parts of Mexico at this time.
It was good to get back to familiar territory, but we enjoyed the trip to the big city. Nuevo Progreso seemed peaceful and quiet compared to the sprawling city of Reynosa.
"Surely I come quickly. Even so, come Lord Jesus!" Revelation 22:20
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