Monday, April 2, 2018


Easter bags were billed with toys and treats and stuffed with green artificial grass.
New life, children and the message of the cross. Those are things we all associate with Resurrection Day, or Easter as it is generally called. It’s a refreshing time of year when we are reminded that Jesus died for our sins and rose again with power, assuring us eternal life.

At the church in Nuevo Progreso, Pastor Oliver preached a message from John 20 about the disciples finding the empty tomb. He emphasized that the important fact from this passage is that nothing is impossible with God!  Nothing could stop Jesus, not even death. And that is our guarantee that we also will live eternally. It also means that there is no problem or situation that is impossible when we have a relationship with Him.  And it’s a sure thing that we will experience all kinds of problems in this life. “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

After the service, the children were given gift bags filled with small toys and treats. Most of them loved the colorful bottles of liquid bubbles and soon they were outside filling the air with them. There were other treasures, including boxes of crayons and plastic eggs filled with M&M’s.

Pictures will be mounted on the wall at the church.
We created a “Wall of History,” including pictures of the beginning days of the building, former pastors and family groups. This will be great for members of the congregation and for the new pastor.  It is proof that prayers have been answered and that nothing is impossible with God!

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37 

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