Roman and Karen and their baby Oliver. |
February 18, 2018 Roman and Karen Robles presented their baby to the Lord at Bethesda Church of God in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. Pastor Oliver Altamirano spoke briefly about the meanings behind the presentation, explaining that the baby Jesus was taken to the temple in Jerusalem by Mary and Joseph when he was only a few days old. Since the very beginning of time, this has been practiced in one way or another, giving the child back to the Lord who created him and as parents promising to raise him in the faith.
Reymundo and Brenda took part in the presentation. |
Reymundo and Brenda were the official witnesses at the presentation. They promised to help Roman and Karen raise their baby in God’s ways. Sometimes these witnesses are called “godparents.” Reymundo and Karen were very proud to be in this capacity.
Baby Oliver slept through the service. |
In most cultures a baby presentation, sometimes called a dedication, is a time for great celebration and a big fiesta. And it’s the same in Mexico. After church Roman and Karen invited us all to their home a few blocks away for a delicious meal of barbecued chicken and all the trimmings. There was also a Mexican favorite, a Tres Leche cake, three milk cake. Balloons, Mickey Mouse figures with red and yellow streamers decorated tables and formed an arch over Roman’s small patio. About 40 people helped to celebrate this precious new addition to Roman and Karen’s family.
Over 40 people attended the fiesta in Roman's patio. |
Roman and Karen are with Brenda and Reymundo. Brenda is holding baby Oliver. |
Among the people who attended the evening service and the fiesta was the family of Jose Angel. Recently arriving from Oklahoma where he worked in landscaping. Jose and his wife Patty and their three children temporarily live with Jose’s sister Aurelia near our church. They are currently looking for a house in our area. We had special prayer for Jose and his family for their future. Their family seemed to fit in very well with others in the church.
A new family at the church, Jose Angel is almost hidden behind his wife Patty and his daughter. |
Joseph and Mary brought Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. Luke 2:22
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Felicitaciones a la Familia y a los Pastores
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