Sunday, December 24, 2017


Lloyd made a bed for Pelon and gave him a toy.
This is about a small white dog that is holding fast to the only home he’s ever known, Bethesda Church of God in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico.  There’s an important lesson in this, one we should all learn. The Lord teaches us great things through the humble animals.

Pelon (Baldy) had to be left behind when Pastor Gerardo and Miriam moved away. They lovingly found a new home for Pelon with friends of the church in a neighborhood not far away. But before long Pelon escaped his new home and quickly made his way back to the church. It was his place of refuge and safety.

Pelon didn’t know if anyone would ever return to the empty church. He didn’t know if he would be fed or loved again. Regardless of all this, he refused to leave the church. He was faithful and committed without knowing he would ever receive anything in return.

When we arrived at the church in November, Pelon greeted us like an old friend. Since we had always carried dog food and fed him in the past, he got all excited. Pelon was able to jump into the church through a window opening and had been sleeping inside on a cushion.  Lloyd fixed him a bed in a sheltered corner, gave him an old blanket and pillow along with a stuffed teddy bear. He curled up immediately after eating and went to sleep.

Since Pelon greets us every time we go to the church, we’re calling him the Guardian of the Church.  He’s a presence around the building and he gives the illusion of someone living there. In fact, we’re beginning to see him as a symbol of God’s protection there. He may not look aggressive and mean curled up with his teddy bear, but who knows what impression he gives to strangers who trespass.

This is a great picture of being faithful even when it seems useless.  Pelon waited at the church for someone to return and he did not give up. Even if he didn’t seem to benefit from waiting, he could not be enticed to leave. Pelon’s commitment to the church is wholehearted. Can we say the same ourselves? Do we wait, still expecting the Lord’s return even when years go by and things remain the same? Or do we wait, saying that if we do not receive what we want, we’ll go somewhere else. Is the church our refuge? Could you be called a guardian of the church?

Pelon doesn't look threatening with his toy.
But this is the way we see Pelon guarding the church!

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91:11

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