Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Pastor Gerardo's 1996 Ford Explorer.  It has been dependable for many years.
The dictionary says an anomaly is something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.  It's an oddity, a  peculiarity, an abnormality or an irregularity.  It's something strange or unusual.  The dictionary says a miracle is an event that is not explainable by natural or scientific laws.  Here is what happened to Pastor Gerardo and his family near the beginning of the new year.  Needless to say, they were shocked and amazed but very grateful!

After having driven their car as usual for several days, taking their children to school, visiting the sick and taking care of all the other things on their busy schedule, they knew it was past time to stop for gas.  The gas gauge in the car no longer functions, but they knew that many days had passed since they had last put gas in the tank.  The question was whether or not they would make it to the only station in town without running out of gas.

Relieved to reach the station in time, their oldest son Gerson jumped out of the car to take charge of filling the tank.  He came back to the open window with a puzzled look on his face, telling them there was something wrong.  The pump would not work.

After a few minutes of standing there trying to figure out what could be wrong, they took a flashlight and looked down into the tank.  It was already full!

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