Large crowds of children showed up for VBS, Vacation Bible School, each day. |
Music, stories, fun and games! This always attracts the children around the church in Nuevo Progreso and they came daily to Vacation Bible School. The church was decorated with colorful balloons and artwork that went along with each day's theme.
Pastor Gerardo teaches a group of students a lesson from the Bible. |
Every day there was a lesson from the Bible. There were prizes and games to help them in the learning process. The word Fe, which is faith in Spanish, is highlighted on the pulpit as the basis of these important lessons.
FAITH! That was the theme for VBS! |
The children acted out stories of faith from the Bible. |
Even the smallest children got involved in acting out the stories, such as The Walls of Jericho. Using his artistic abilities, Pastor Gerardo created many cartoon characters to illustrate the stories.
It's great to see children learning about what a great God we serve!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
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