Friday, December 7, 2012


This picture was taken with a zoom lense from a considerable distance.  It shows city equipment being used to pump away unwanted floodwaters from around the church.
 It was bright and sunny with few clouds in the sky.  A cool breeze refreshed us, a welcome relief from recent hot weather.  As we drove onto the church grounds, we could hear the thrumming of a motor in the distance.  Unable to find the source of the noise, finally we saw in the distance a lone man sitting on a trailer on the crest of the hill.  He lifted his arm in a big wave of greeting.  We waved back even though we didn't know who he was or what was making the noise.  After all, everyone is friendly in Mexico!

Then Gerardo told us the good news - the sound was the sound of water being pumped away from the church grounds!  The picture above which was taken at considerable distance, shows a large pipe carrying the unwanted water back where it belongs.  Again the man watching over the pump waved to us and this time we sensed he was sharing our victory.

It will take many days for the water to totally disappear, but it's a move in the right direction.

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