Monday, May 28, 2012


May 16th we finished our current project at the church in Nuevo Progreso for the season. It was a day of celebration, a special dinner and the initiation of the new baptismal font. We’ll go back to Mexico in November when we plan to work on the auditorium roof. Until then, the congregation plans to conduct campañas (revivals), events for children and combined services with other churches in the area. There is a good spirit of cooperation between churches, regardless of denomination, in and around Nuevo Progreso.

Thirteen year old Nahum is baptized in water.
Eleven year old Dana and thirteen year old Nahum were the first to be baptized in water in the new pool. Dana was very emotional when she came up out of the water after professing her faith in Jesus Christ. Nahum had a huge smile on his face. They both seemed to realize the significance of the experience; that they’d taken the next step in their walk with the Lord.
They prepared a special dinner for us on our last day at the church.
Miriam made arrangements to serve one of our favorite dishes in Mexico - stuffed pablano peppers! She and two other ladies dished up plates of Spanish rice and lettuce and tomato salad alongside the deep fried stuffed peppers. This time big bottles of ice cold Pepsi graced the table. We ate at the new tables made last spring by Walter LeGette. The tables have been a giant blessing since they are being used in many different ways for various events.

After dinner we discussed the planting of trees, plants and flowers around the church. There are two women in the congregation who seem to be especially blessed as gardeners; and they are faithful to cultivate and water what they have planted. The environmental protection agency of Mexico called COMAPA stated in the past that they would donate palm trees and other greenery to the site. This would be a blessing to all the surrounding colonias. Lloyd enjoys saving and planting seeds from various fruit trees and other plants. There is a six foot avocado tree he started from a seed that's waiting to be set in the ground at the church. It will be interesting to see how these plants fare during the harsh hot and dry weather in that area June through October.

These two women show off their lush trees and plants.
Before leaving Nuevo Progreso, Gerardo and Miriam took us to see the successful gardens of the two ladies. There is a grapefruit tree that is loaded with fruit that will ripen in the fall. We saw peach trees, banana trees, lemon and lime trees, apple trees, avocado trees, peppers, tomatoes, herbs and many other interesting and exotic fruits. All of this was crowded into a small space where one plant shaded another, creating a cool damp atmosphere. Wouldn’t it be good to produce spiritual fruit at our church and also have a supply of fresh fruit and vegetables to share with the neighbors!

Pastor Gerardo and his wife Miriam
Pastor Gerardo and Miriam are doing a great job pastoring the church in Nuevo Progreso. They are busy raising their four children: Gerson, Nahum, Dana and Esly, who all rank high in their schools, in fact Dana's grades placed her #1 in her class. This family is gaining a reputation for being quiet but compassionate, talented but humble. The greatest thing about this family is that they share our vision for the work in Nuevo Progreso. And although they are deeply rooted in the Church of God of Mexico and they promote and teach their doctrines, they willingly work and share with other churches in the area with the goal of spreading the gospel and seeing people saved.

"And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it." Psalm 90:17 KJV

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