In Mexico parents usually name their children something with significant meaning, mostly Bible names or names of Catholic saints. Pastor Gerardo and Miriam gave much thought to what they named their four children when they were born, and their names have a lot of significance. Also, the names 'Gerardo and Miriam' have interesting meanings. All of their names seem fitting for today.
The name Gerardo is from Genesis 26. Abraham and Isaac both traveled to the land of Gerar where God took care of them. Abraham dug wells there and later Isaac cleaned out those wells and found fresh water. The name literally means "a man who is good with a sword." Miriam, the sister of Moses, means "the vine of God." Miriam's second name is Carmen meaning cultivator. Together they mean "one who cultivates the vine of God." Gerson, their oldest son is named after the son of Levi. His name means alien or stranger in a foreign land. Nahum means "one who brings comfort." His second name is Napthali meaning warrior. Dana, from the book of Judges means "servant of the Lord." Esly means "serious, and directed by God."
Taken all together they say: "A man good with a sword and his wife who cultivates the vine, are pastors of the church in Nuevo Progreso. Their children will be strangers in a foreign land, will not only bring comfort, but will be warriors. They will serve the Lord and be directed by Him."
Lloyd stood beside Gerson to show how tall he has grown. He is 14 years old and is already taller than his parents! |