Miriam teaches Sunday School outside using the new tables and benches for her students.

While most North Americans sat in climate controlled comfortable churches, we sat on wooden benches in the unfinished auditorium with no roof for shade. Fine gravel made a hard surface for a floor. Winds whipped us, but that kept us from suffering from the noonday heat.

Lloyd had a message for the church. This picture shows him standing between Melo and Mario who were going to interpret his words for the small congregation. It was going to be interesting since we didn't know how much interpreting the men had done. First there were several songs, Miriam read the 37th Psalm, they prayed for the sick and then took an offering. Then Lloyd spoke about the need for churches to be revived using the scriptures about water wells. Abraham dug wells which were later filled in with dirt by enemy nations. Isaac came along years later and re-dug the wells, cleaning them out and finding fresh water. It was hard work and it caused trouble, but it was worth the effort.
Lloyd mentioned the church's problems concerning the black water north of us and how the enemy has tried to defeat us. He read the verses about the woman at the well and how she was promised living water so she would never thirst again.
After his message, Lloyd invited people forward to pray for each other. There was special prayer for those who need jobs right now. Apolinar came forward to be prayed for because he really needs a job.
Nayeli's husband Mario joined Melo to help interpret the message. It turned out to be a challenge for both of them but they did a good job and both seemed to enjoy the experience.
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