The picture is old, many years have passed since we last saw Esteban, Nohemi, Junior and Mario. But they remain very special to us and we love them and think about them often.
About fifteen years ago we were distributing Spanish Bibles in Ciudad Acuna when we saw a young couple walking along a dusty road with two baby boys in their arms. We offered them a ride across town. Our Spanish was limited so we couldn't communicate with them much at that time. The next day we saw the same couple and again stopped to pick them up. After several times of crossing their paths, we all thought it was not coincidence and that we were meant to get to know each other. After that we spent a lot of time in their home and with their extended family. Their family became ours.
Many years later we went back to Ciudad Acuna when Junior was sixteen years old. They had moved and the boys had grown into handsome young men. It was fun to spend time with them and get caught up on everything. But that was four years ago.
There are other families throughout Mexico that we love and miss very much. The current conditions discourage us from extensive travel in Mexico, separating us from many people that we love. We continue to remember Esteban, Nohemi, Junior and Mario and we pray for the Lord to keep His hand of protection on them. One day we'll visit them again in Ciudad Acuna.
"The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another." Genesis 31:49
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