The doors are always open in Mexico! And that means cats and dogs stroll right in and join us in whatever we're doing. No one seems to mind, the dogs are smart enough to stay out of sight under a table or in a corner as long as possible. The scruffy little dog in this picture was discovered by a cute little girl and he became her Sunday School buddy.
The animals in Mexico are sad since they aren't treated as well as our pets in the United States. They run loose to forage for their food, which means little animal control. They aren't treated for fleas because it's too expensive.
It's hard for us to watch the animals suffer, so there are times when we take a bag of dog food with us to share with our animal friends. The Lord loves all creatures and the Bible says He knows when even a tiny sparrow falls to the earth. So it doesn't bother us a bit to share a little space in Sunday School with one of His little ones!