God is never on the surface very long. His face cannot be seen, but let's be thankful for those precious fleeting glimpses of His wonder! We had a glimpse of that wonder on Christmas Eve when over 150 showed up at our fiesta at the church in Nuevo Progreso. It was a well organized party with music, games, candy, a traditional pinata and tamales. It was cold and windy with a mist that threatened to dampen the fun. People were huddled under layers of sweaters and shawls and some gathered around a small bonfire to keep warm.
As each child went through the line to receive a gift, his name card was punched insuring that no one was left out. Sunday School volunteers served food and bags of candy while Miriam gave out shoe box gifts.
The pinata as beaten by the youngest children and then the oldest to the sounds of chants and songs. This old Christmas tradition is at the heart of every fiesta and makes it complete. Miriam read words from the Bible about the true meaning of Christmas and many of the children came forward and repeated a prayer with Pastor Gerardo.
The even was a token of the future and the events that will take place at the church in Nuevo Progreso. And it was our glimpse of God!