The ingenious fireplace shown above was built especially for Carla and it's perfect for her since she's small. The enclosure underneath usually holds cut firewood. on this fireplace Carla cooks everything for her husband and family. With such limited tools she does an excellent job and is a good cook. The fireplace is inside a lean-to structure covered with corrugated tin. There is a chimney to carry smoke away, but many times the wind blows it back into the house. The floor of this lean-to is packed earth.
The family has no indoor plumbing and only an outside faucet in their backyard. Doors and windows are propped open in hot weather and they have no screens. We supplied some long sheer curtains for their doors that will allow cool air in but keep insects out. With the barest necessities, this family lives from day to day with no guarantees for their future.
As soon as we arrive at Carla's house she immediately starts to prepare a meal for us on this fireplace. Within a short time we are served hot plates of very good food. We wonder what she could do with more modern equipment.
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