Carlos, Rogerio and Julio need to stay in school, but it isn't easy when they don't have proper shoes and clothes. In Mexico children have to wear uniforms and black dress shoes. Each school has a different color and these boys have almost outgrown their maroon pants and white shirts. We don't know how long they haven't had shoes, but when we learned the need we promised to take them and let them pick out what they wanted.
Since their Mom and Dad were in a project and couldn't leave the house, the boys got in the Jeep with us. Three year old Esteban cried and screamed to go with us, so his brothers put him in the back seat between them. They knew exactly which store had the right shoes, one very near their home. Within minutes all three had tried on and chosen black slipper style shoes with square toes. It was clear they had walked by that store and admired those shoes before.
Carlos, Rogerio and Julio were so happy when they held their new school shoes; and it felt good for us to invest in their future. The shoes averaged $25 a pair, a small amount considering how important those shoes were to those three boys.
I took a picture of 15 year old Carlos trying on his shoes, with Julio and little Esteban watching.
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