Jose Luis sells elote, corn on the cob, in Nuevo Progreso. One day we drove past his stand and stopped to talk with him and he invited us to come for a visit next time we came to town. He insisted until we agreed to be at his house Wednesday at 10:00 am. He gave us his address since we'd never been there before.
Wednesday at 10:00 am we drove up and down the streets looking for Jose Luis. The street signs were either rusted beyond reading or non existent, so this wasn't easy. Lloyd and I wondered what we would talk about since we barely knew Jose Luis, was this going to be a waste of time? We asked the Lord to show us some purpose for the meeting.
Pastor Gerardo passed by and saw us and asked where we were going. He got excited about our visit to Jose Luis since he is one of his recent converts. He visits him once a week to read the Bible with him and his daughters. "Follow me to his house," he said.
When we arrived Jose Luis was on the phone and we learned that his parents who live in Tampico are both gravely ill. The phone call was more bad news and we could tell he was suffering from grief. He has no way to be with them and can't help them. Maybe this wasn't a good day for a visit with Jose Luis.
But then it occurred to us that the Lord had brought us all together for a reason that morning, we were there at that exact moment to pray and encourage Jose Luis. We could not have planned the meeting so well; and that gave us confidence that God was in control. Later we stood holding hands praying for the healing of his parents and for peace and tranquility in his heart. The stress and pain left his face and he began to relax and put his faith in God's promises.
Mission work means many things, but it is mainly getting involved in the lives of the people. One day it may be helping cut firewood, one day providing school shoes and one day praying for the sick. Some things may not seem important at the moment, but it's all about making disciples and teaching about Jesus one person at a time.
"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15
The picture shows Jose Luis Figero and his youngest daughter Ashley at their house.