Saturday, January 9, 2010


How do you begin teaching the basics of the English language? Where do you start? In our first class last week in Nuevo Progreso, we began by reciting the alphabet and the vowel sounds and discussing the differences between English and Spanish. Several children came to the class with notebooks and pencils in hand, eager and excited to learn. The adults were more cautious. As you can see in the picture, they sat in the back seats and let the children take the lead.

Our plan is to share the common English phrases with the class while teaching the basic rules of the language. This will give them the ability to speak some things right away, while learning the harder things such as how to conjugate verbs and form sentences.

Bible story books for children make good teaching tools in these English classes. God's word can be used as a bridge since everyone is familiar with the wonderful old stories. Teaching English is one more way that we can minister the word of God to the people of Mexico.

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