Poza Rica in Vera Cruz is a large city situated near the Gulf of Mexico and surrounded by hills. Our goal was to visit the Church of God Childrens’ Home we’d heard about there. Alfa & Omega is located near the Walmart Store and Sam’s stores in Poza Rica. It’s strange to see those stores along with Home Depot, McDonalds and other familiar names so far away from home.
It wasn’t easy to find the childrens’ home. We were forced to stop several times in the heavy traffic to ask directions until finally we wound our way up a steep and narrow road to our destination. There were several clean white buildings perched at different levels on the hillside. The view from each level was breathtaking; we could see the city spread out below us. It was like we were in an eagle’s nest, protected and secure.
Pastor Elias Herrera and his wife Teresa greeted us with enthusiasm; inviting us to spend the night with them. Our room was next to a balcony that overlooked the buildings below and the countryside. The air was cool, the windows were open wide and large hawks soared in the air around us.
Pastor Herrera told us how he began over 20 years ago ministering to the abandoned children who lived under the bridge in the city park in Poza Rica. He took food to the children for some time until one night a large group of them appeared at his church parsonage. They had been threatened by a gang of older children and needed sanctuary. He took them into his own home and gradually established the childrens’ home. There are no more children living under the bridge in Poza Rica, because now they have a place where they are safe.
During the evening we had a time of sharing with the 35 children presently living in the home. It was very touching when Pastor Herrera asked them to gather around the two of us and pray. It’s hard to describe the feeling of so many soft little hands resting on our backs, along with hearing their whispered prayers for us.
Alfa & Omega continues to be challenged by the need for water for their facilities. They have drilled for water on their hill many times and have been unsuccessful. All the water they use must be purchased and hauled in by trucks.
Please pray for Alfa & Omega and for Pastor Herrera and his wife Teresa shown in the above photograph. They have given up their lives to provide a Christian home for many children who were lost in Poza Rica.
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