Alejandro expertly cast his net on the water. |
Many people in Mexico fish with nets as they did in Bible days. They are expert in casting a very large net across the water. Alejandro Canales Medina is an avid sportsman both with a net and with a rod and reel. He often fishes the Rio Grande River and participates in competitions to catch the biggest fish.
Lloyd showed them how big the turtle was. |
Catfish are caught in the Rio Grande along with many other species, including Tilapia which can be found in small lakes near the border. Tilapia is similar to the type of fish that was found in the Sea of Galilee when the disciples fished along the shores.
One evening after church Lloyd told Alejandro that he had seen an extremely large turtle swimming in the waters near the church. Alejandro hurried home to get his fishing net and within minutes he returned to try and catch the giant turtle. He loves a challenge.
Alejandro is a true fisherman and a good sport. |
All Alejandro managed to catch were tree limbs that had fallen into the water. Then he had to remove his shoes and wade into the mud to retrieve his net. But he was enjoying every bit of it.
The sun was setting and it was getting too dark to cast the net more than once or twice into the muddy water. But Alejandro said he would definitely return to that spot so he would possibly see the turtle. No doubt he would catch and release the critter after taking some pictures.
The time we spent that evening near the water was reminiscent of Jesus calling his disciples as they fished with their nets along the seashore. Having a greater purpose in mind, he said:
“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.” Matthew 4:19&20