Thursday, October 6, 2016


Driving across the Rio Grande River where there was no bridge.
There is no road?  That didn't stop us!  Is there a little town across the river in Mexico?  Do they need Bibles?  That was a challenge for us and an adventure.  If other people forded the river, we could too! But we were careful to follow instructions and stay upstream from the rapids and the deeper water. And we were fortunate to have taken a picture of the experience.

There has always been a strong desire in us to take Spanish Bibles to people who want them throughout Mexico.  And through the years, we have given away over 8,000 Bibles, boxes of Sunday School literature and countless gospel booklets and tracts.  Only eternity will tell us the impact of these Bibles, how they changed lives and blessed the people.

There was always a door open before us.  We have always been welcome wherever we went in Mexico.  The people were friendly and many times we were invited to spend more time with families, overnight or a few days or an extra week.  But the urge to go a little farther was always with us. Another church was waiting somewhere for a blessing.

There were checkpoints, federales, soldiers and guards on the roads.  At every state line we'd have to stop and unload our cargo so it could be inspected.  But this provided more opportunities, as we were able to witness to uniformed men and pray for them and their families.

Church on the Gulf of Mexico.
The last trip we took into the interior of Mexico was very unusual. We had planned to drive one thousand miles to the state of Tabasco, leaving Spanish Bibles at churches along the way. Before leaving, our prayer was that the Lord would "clear a path" for us and open up the way.  And He did! We drove all the way to Tabasco and back without once being stopped for inspection, having to show our papers, our passports or visas.  It was as if we were invisible on the roads, traveling under divine covering as we carried God's word.

We've driven to every state in Mexico, leaving Spanish Bibles.
Our prayer now is that the Lord will multiply and bless His words through those Spanish Bibles we took into Mexico.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105