Pastor Gerardo Estrada and his wife Miriam along with Gerson, Dana, Esly and Nahum. |
We are back in Illinois for a short time to rest and regroup before returning to our mission in Mexico. After living on the Mexican border for seven months, it wasn’t easy to leave all our friends and the church in Nuevo Progreso even for a short time. The work continues to do very well. There are many new projects being planned and some that have just begun.
Pastor Gerardo Ramon Estrada Carrizales and his wife Miriam are both talented and resourceful people. They are living examples of what it means to be Christians; and they’ve been faithful and committed to the vision God gave us many years ago. Our dream is not only to have a strong full gospel church in Nuevo Progreso, but a ministry outreach center where a family’s many needs can be met.
Now along with regular food distribution from the church, there are gifts of clothes and shoes and other household items that families need. The people have been given access to a free medical clinic in Nuevo Progreso that includes dental care and eye examinations. And Pastor Gerardo has been placed in charge of recruiting workers for a community garden project started by Gayle Ayres who is from Belleville, Illinois. In this large garden the people can literally reap what they sow! They will have access to their share of fresh produce if they give of their time to plant and tend the garden.
We will be in close contact with the church and this blog will continue to report the news and events taking place there. Members of the congregation will be featured from time to time along with reports of answered prayers. It has taken many years, a lot of work and patience, many prayers and the donations of caring people to bring this dream to reality. And Lloyd and I look forward to returning to Nuevo Progreso and Bethesda Church of God in November.
"We cried on the way to plant our seeds, but we will celebrate and shout as we bring in the crops." Psalm 126:6 CEV