Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Faith is needed when the outcome is in doubt, when the odds are long or when our chances of failure make us nervous. But it is in weakness, uncertainty and insecurity that God shows His true colors. It doesn't take faith to accomplish a sure thing!

For many years we've prayed, "Lord, establish the work of our hands.." Psalm 90:17. Dozens of disappointments and setbacks have made us wonder about our project in Nuevo Progreso. But all the good news we got on our first trip across the border this season made it all worthwhile.

We've always believed that Sunday School is the backbone of any church. Pastor Gerardo reports that every week between forty and fifty children now gather at our Church of God building for Sunday School. They are fed breakfast (shown in the picture), then they have a muppet show and sometimes a clown shows up to tell Bible stories. Parents are beginning to come to see what their kids are enjoying.

Twelve children have accepted Jesus as their Savior since September!


The picture shows a Sunday School class at the Church of God in Nuevo Progreso. Pastor Gerardo and Miriam always have lots of childrens activities planned, especially for the holidays. This year we will work together on a big Christmas fiesta which will take place the morning of Christmas Eve.


Apolinar and Carla call their beautiful new baby Javier. They put him in a sling made of strong mesh material that was hanging by a cord from the rafters. With another attached cord they swung the sling back and forth. This is the Mexican equivalent of a rocking chair!

Apolinar had his first day of work in over six months. He said the trucks started coming back to Nuevo Progreso that day and he again has customers to buy the lunches he and Carla sell. It was immediately on our arrival last season that he began their little business selling tacos and gorditos.


Marcelino is no longer the gaunt thin man who always looked so frail. When we said he looked good, he said he owes it all to his new lifestyle of living for the Lord.

We distributed bags of potatoes, cans of stewed tomatoes and some other groceries, but our little friend Esteban got his own jar of his favorite, peanut butter!

The new blackwater pumping station is nearing completion in Nuevo Progreso and there are pumps in place that will take future flood waters the short distance to the Rio Grande River. The Lord is taking care of our biggest problem and living conditions in Nuevo Progreso will be greatly improved.

There were no Mexican soldiers at the international bridge nor anywhere else that we could see. Crowds of tourists swarmed in the stores and the atmosphere was like a fiesta. There is at this moment peace in Nuevo Progreso.