We arrived in Weslaco, Texas on November 9, 2009 and began the process of unpacking and preparing for our ministry in Mexico. On our first visit across the border we learned that the church in Nuevo Progreso continues to move forward with several evangelistic events planned for the near future. Pastor Gerardo and his wife Miriam told us about their next project which is to take place soon. A local store has donated the one day use of a tent with a huge Pepsi logo which is to be set up on the church grounds. Chairs and tables are included with the tent. Another new church in town will join our church in this meeting and afterward they plan to saturate the adjoining neighborhoods with salvation tracts.
The Power Company childrens ministry of Bethalto, Illinois Church of God donated clown costumes and muppets to the Nuevo Progreso church. These tools will b a great help in the outreach programs to children.
Miriam reported that several in the church are hosting weekly women's meetings in their homes, inviting neighbor women to join them in worship, Bible study and fellowship. They take turns serving coffee and cookies at these meetings and the response has been very good.
Pastor Gerardo, Miriam and their children are comfortable living in the church parsonage. The building was cool in the recent heat wave and they expect it to be warm during winter months; the place is very peaceful. More than one person who has visited the location said they felt something unusual and special and they say they feel the presence of God.
Nuevo Progreso has started a huge project of installing a drainage system throughout the city even in the outlying areas near our church. In the future this drainage system will be a great blessing not only to the church, but to everyone living near flood prone areas. We're thanking the Lord for this answer to our prayers.
In the picture Esly is showing off one of the large muppets donated to the church with the help of her mother Miriam and big brother Gerson.